Family: Psittacines
The scarlet macaw is one of the symbols of the Amazon and is the largest bird in the parrot family, a little over a meter long on average. These social birds often travel in pairs or a group of parents with a few young, but may form flocks of thousands to avoid predators. Birds of prey, snakes and larger monkeys are some of the main predators of Macaws.
Their brilliant colors have captivated people from all over the world with beautiful images of them feeding in the collpas (clay deposits). Macaws, in addition to being impressive, are important components for life in the forest, since they disperse seeds and help trees regenerate. They are closely related to the aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa), a palm tree that serves as a nesting place.
Macaws Diet
Macaws themselves are formidably strong and intelligent, although they mostly eat fruit and some insects. Their huge beaks can crush the hardest nuts and seeds, and their tongue has a bone inside that helps them eat fruits and nuts. Macaws can also be found feeding on clay deposits along the banks of rivers. One theory behind this behavior is that the seeds and nuts they consume are high in tannins and alkaloids, which can be toxic in high doses. The chemicals in the clay mix with these toxins and allow them to be excreted.
Within the behavior of these birds, we have the different subspecies, as well as the feeding and reproduction of the macaws, since it is very important to learn about these behaviors to understand these birds. Although they are very romantic, share their food with their young and are very curious, they are able to listen to adults and then imitate their words or phrases, but these are qualities that this very special bird possesses.
Every time a macaw dies due to hunting, lack of space or another non-biological reason, it is unfortunate, since it is losing a wonderful landscape and we humans are losing a magnificent bird.
Intelligent, charismatic, romantic, faithful, and good companions, it is undoubtedly a bird worth caring for and preserving.
Once these birds unite for life, they begin to procreate other birds, during the breeding season they are very honeyed and remain more united than normal, this date is between May and June, that is where the mating of birds begins which is very curious and different from the others.
If you have wondered how macaws reproduce, if at the time of choosing each other it was romantic, this moment is undoubtedly unique, since the macaw begins to perform a dance around the female, turns her around and passes her small wings by her body, their pupils dilate and the romance begins. After a dance and conquest dance, the male unites his cloaca with that of the female and mating arrives, it is a very beautiful and unique process in these species. Remembering that it is a monogamous species, which the male mates only with a female of his species.
